Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organizational Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Organizational Change - Research Paper Example commence their business with the aid of conventional business processes and stay aloof from the technological changes in the industry; this aspect provokes many organizations to change their conventional processes and adopt new ones. Change management is vital to enable organizations to stay competitive in the market and updated with the changing nature of the times. The paper discusses the introduction of a change in a bank that aims to streamline the business processes in a better manner and enhance productivity for the organization. The nature of the change is technological since it encompasses the introduction of new information systems in the organization. Section 2 discusses the portfolio of the company, while section 3 includes the driving forces that created the need for such a change in the organization. Section 4 highlights the stakeholders of the change and how they might be affected by it. Section 5 discusses the possible barriers of change in the organization, which is followed by effective strategies that might be adopted to ensure a smooth implementation of changes. Finally, the seventh section includes the foreseeable effects of the implemented change. The bank under discussion is one of the oldest banks in the region and has survived over the years due to its wide coverage and network. The bank had not been affected by the intervention of technology in the banking industry and chose to maintain most of their operations on paper. After following the same business processes and policies for decades, it has been felt by the management that the market share is deteriorating at an incremental rate. The introduction of newer banks and automated processes in the market is bearing an effect on its market share and causing brand shifts. Efficiency, convenience and quality bear great relevance in the banking industry in the modern times. The fast paced nature of the modern times demands efficient service from a bank that would also focus on the quality

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